This is the un-official blog of Gator Lakes Golf Course at Hurlburt Field, FL. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are not endorsed by the DOD or 1SOW.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

More Rain is a minor setback

Well it's no surprise.  El Nino has brought more rain this past weekend.  We recorded 2.1 inches of rain Saturday morning.  The good news is that as I was leaving around noon on Sunday, the water had subsided a good bit.  Last week we received a little over 4 inches and it took about 7 days to get carts off the path.  I expect that if the week stays dry to be back in condition by Thursday.  Of course, there would be potential for more rain Wednesday and Superbowl Sunday...even sleet!

We went ahead and lined the cart paths with sod where we had done our dirt work this month.  It worked pretty well actually.  There were a few washouts, but not nearly as bad if the sod had not been there.  We'll be working on cleaning those up this week.

As we go into February, our plan is to continue with some of the drainage work that we weren't able to do in January due to the weather and excessively wet soil.  We will be doing some tree trimming in areas where some branches affect the line of play from tees.  And as the weather will inevitably begin warming up we will also begin our pre-emergent applications toward the end of the month.  I'm hoping to get pre-emergent down on the fairways, tees complexes and greens complexes twice this year.  The product that I have plans to use is hands-down the best available and provides unparalleled goosegrass and crabgrass control.

We'll follow up on activities and conditions as they occur.

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