This is the un-official blog of Gator Lakes Golf Course at Hurlburt Field, FL. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are not endorsed by the DOD or 1SOW.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Course and Clubhouse Landscaping

Many of you have noticed a change to the front of the golf shop over the past weeks.  We have begun our capital project to renovate the landscaping at the golf course and have started with the clubhouse.  The staff removed the existing bushes and placed them throughout the golf course in pine straw beds around tees, by the driving range and at the front entrance sign.  The "new" plants have really spruced up the areas and they look great!

We have the plan set to install new Sabal palms along with a few Sago palms.  Interlaced in the beds will be some ornamental grasses, daylilys, and society garlic.  You should see the new palms by the end of this week if the weather holds.  We will also be installing some nice Magnolia trees in select locations to break up some of the larger low maintenance areas.  I'm really excited to see the result and pleased with the looks thus far.

As you see the staff members on the course please be sure to stop them and tell them thanks for their hard work.  It's been an interesting winter and they have really worked hard to deal with all the rain, cold and frustrating conditions to make the course better and more enjoyable for all.

I've included a few before and during pictures and will update with afters soon!
Before                                                  During
The new look to the front entrance sign!

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