This is the un-official blog of Gator Lakes Golf Course at Hurlburt Field, FL. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are not endorsed by the DOD or 1SOW.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Weekly Update....gobble gobble

With the wonder of mobile technology, I am posting this week's update on my trip to see family in southwest Florida. This past week we have been busy with the beginning of winter maintenance.

Pine straw sweeping began as did pine straw bed replenishment. We are starting at the clubhouse and will be working the golf course beds throughout the months of December and January as time allows.

Work continues on 14 championship tee. We have begun removing the stumps and underbrush around the tee to allow sunlight and air flow through that small section of the golf course. In addition, we have been removing the stumps between 1 & 2. We have several (many) dead and dying trees to remove still and will continue through the winter.

The first fairway fertilizer application went great! We applied a nice slow release fertilizer at just under 1 pound of nitrogen per 1000 sqft to feed the new grass for about ten weeks. This takes us well into late winter and helps us prepare for a good transition. We will be working on adjusting irrigation run times the next week to provide a firmer fairway and prevent some of the ball plugging that is too common with the overseeded conditions.

Have a great Thanksgiving! Dugan and I will see you again in December....sorry no pictures this week, the iPhone does have it's limits.

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