This is the un-official blog of Gator Lakes Golf Course at Hurlburt Field, FL. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are not endorsed by the DOD or 1SOW.

Monday, April 19, 2010


After going without controllable water on the Front 9 since April 8, we finally found the leak in our hydraulic system. And it couldn't have come at a better time! This week we have the mole cricket control application going on, our second pre-emergent application to tees and green surrounds, and fairway fertilization. We really need to be able to run the water.

After the initial shock and frustration, I always try to find the good and bad in what would be called "character development" moments. I see this past week as a great opportunity for our success as a team. The maintenance team really put in a lot of effort to locate the valves to shut down running sprinklers and have a better understanding of the routing of control piping than we did. We also saw just how far we could push our greens before they started to show drought stress. Greens 3, 4, 6, and 7 went 11 days without a single irrigation cycle! However, it really shows when you compare them even to other greens on the front 9 that did get water. I am developing a plan to get them back into condition quickly.

As I mentioned earlier, we have alot of applications coming up. This is really a busy month and I can't wait to see the results of our work next month.

Thanks for your understanding of the recent irrigation dilemma and your support of our facility and maintenance team. We really appreciate all the kind words and compliments throughout this very stressful ordeal.

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