This is the un-official blog of Gator Lakes Golf Course at Hurlburt Field, FL. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are not endorsed by the DOD or 1SOW.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Water problems - Intended for Posting April 12, 2010

A quick note to explain what's going on the front 9. Sometime between last Thursday and Friday we lost the pressure in our 1/2" water line that keeps the heads down on tees and fairways for the front 9. Around the greens the heads use electricity to turn on as they are newer and were replaced during the greens renovation. The issue with the older, hydraulic system is that we can not put water in the main irrigation pipes to at least water greens while we look for the leak without every other head on the front 9 turning on thus using up all the available water and pressure to run the heads around the greens. Until we can find the leak, we are making getting water to the greens our highest priority. As such, some of the Bermudagrass on tees, fairways, and surrounds will likely go into summer dormancy. As rain and irrigation resume, they will come back to green and resume growth. Your assistance in keeping cart and foot traffic off these areas as much as possible is greatly appreciated. As we look for the leak, we are working on alternate temporary and permanent solutions including a whole new hydraulic line. Given this new challenge, we are doing all we can to still provide a great golf course and solve this problem.
Justin Wheeler, GCS. Gator Lakes Golf Course. (850) 200-7054

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